SMART Journal of Business Management Studies, a PROFESSIONAL, REFEREED INTERNATIONAL AND INDEXED JOURNAL welcomes original research papers from experts including bankers, industrialists, professionals, teachers, researchers and practitioners in business management science. The SMART Journal requests the Authors, Reviewers and Editors to follow the guidelines given in the Publication Ethics link under Journal Website.

(A) General Framework

* Research papers should be supported with empirical data and analysis, indicating the applicability of theory.
* Quality research paper, not exceeding 7-10 pages, will be accepted for publication.
* An article must be related to current business management issues, analyzed in depth with the latest
   authenticated data and appropriate statistical tools.
* Articles must be written in Standard English. The article should be professionally proof-read
   in terms of clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation and consistency of references to minimize
   editorial changes.
* All manuscripts must be prepared according to APA FORMAT as described in the Publication Manual (6th ed.),
   American Psychological Association, 2010.

(B) Format of Article

The research article should contain Abstract, Key Words, JEL Classification Code, Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Hypothesis of the Study, Sample Selection, Data Collection, Period of the Study, Tools Used, Limitations, Analysis and Discussion (including test of hypothesis), Findings and Suggestions, Conclusion, Scope for Further Research, References, Tables, Charts and Figures.

* The objectives, hypothesis and the main focus of article should reflect the title of the
    paper. Please ensure that each stated objective is discussed in depth, with full analysis and
    interpretation of data.
* Justification for the type of sampling procedure and sample size should be explained.
* Review of literature must refer to authentic, research work on the same theme done earlier.
   Do not give bookish material in the guise of review of literature.
* Restating the number (given in the table) in words alone will not an interpretation.
   The Interpretation of the data may develop evidences for research findings along with deeper
   meaning like the trend, relationship etc.,
* The author should ensure correspondence between i) title and objectives, ii) objectives
   and hypotheses iii) objectives/hypotheses and analysis iv) analysis and conclusion.
* Avoid lengthy sub headings and every sub heading should be bold and other matter
   should be typed in double space.

(C) Tables & Charts

* All tables, charts and graphs containing self-explanatory title should be typed originally
   by the authors (should not be pasted from other sources) on separate sheets and given at
   the end of paper and use of photographs and drawings should be avoided.
* All tables, charts and graphs should be numbered and suitably titled.
* Tables/Charts must be appropriately referred to in the body of text/analysis of the paper.

(D) Number and Percentages

* Figures below 10 should be spelt out in words, eleven and above in figures, unless the
   reference is to percentages like 3 percent, distance like 6 kms or age like 9 years old.
* Use words to express any number that begins a sentence, title, or text heading.
   (Whenever possible, reword the sentence to avoid beginning with a number.) Forty eight percent of the sample
   showed an increase; 2 % showed no change. Twelve students improved, and 12 students did not improve.
* Use words to use the common fractions like one fifth of the class, two-thirds majority.
* Use words for numbers in the case of universally accepted usage like the Twelve
   Apostles and Five Pillars of Islam.
* Units of measurement should be precisely stated.
* Instead of the symbol %, word, per cent, should be used in the text.

(E) Use of Quotations

* Use double quotes throughout. Also use single quotes only within double quotes.
* In case of block quotations (quotations exceeding 40 words), do not use quotation marks.
   Do use double quotation marks to enclose any quoted material within a block quotation.
* Start such a block quotation on a new line and indent the block about a half inch from the
   left margin (in the same position as a new paragraph). If there are additional paragraphs
   within the quotation, indent the first line of each an additional half inch.
* Double-space the entire quotation. At the end of a block quotation, cite the quoted source
   and the page or paragraph number in parentheses after the final punctuation mark.

(F)Use of Italics

* Titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, TV shows, and microfilm publications.
* Words that could be misread. The small group [meaning a designation, not group size]
* Letters used as statistical symbols or algebraic variables.
* Some test scores and scales. Example: Rorschach scores : F+ % , Z and MMPI scales: Hs, Pd
* Periodical volume numbers in reference lists. Example: American Psychologist, 26, 46-67
* Anchors of a scale. Example: Health ratings ranged from 1 (poor) to 5 ( excellent)


Literature Citations: All reference literature cited in the text, should be presented together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of author(s) as per APA format.


Reference Format Outline
Book by Single Author Surname, Initials (year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Eg. Raja J. Chellaiah (2002). Towards Sustainable Growth. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Book by more than two authors Surname, Initials & Surname Initials, (year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher
Eg.Padmalatha Suresh and Justin Paul (2010). Management of Banking and Financial Services. New Delhi: Pearson.
Chapter in an Edited Book Surname, Initials. (year). Chapter Title. In Editor Surname, Initials (Eds.), Title of Book (pp. xx-xx). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Eg. Karthikeyan,S. (2002). Indian Capital Market. In Nazer M (Eds.), Investment Management (pp. 1-14). New Delhi : Northern Book Centre.

Other References

Reference Format Outline
Journal Articles Author, A. A., Author, B . B . , & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume(Issue), pp-pp.
Eg. Saravanan, V (2004). Working Capital Management- An Empirical Study. SMART Journal of Business Management Studies, 2(1), 96-98.
Business Newspapers Surname, Initials (year, Month Day). Title of the Article, Newspaper’s Name, pp. XX, XX, XX-XX.
Eg. Schwartz, J.( 1 993, September 30) . Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.
Business Magazines Surname, Initials (year, Month). Title of the Paper. Business Magazine’s name, Volume Number(Issue Number), pp-pp.
Eg. Chamberlin , J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5), 26-29.
Eg. Karthikeyan,S. (2002). Indian Capital Market. In Nazer M (Eds.), Investment Management (pp. 1-14). New Delhi : Northern Book Centre.
Report/ Bulletin Author, A. A. (1998). Title of work (Report No. xxx). Location: Publisher. Institutional publications where there is no specific author(s), mention the Institution’s name.
Eg. Reserve Bank of India. Report on Currency and Finance (Report No.) Mumbai: RBI.
Reference in the text or in the notes should contain only the name of the author or institution and the year of publication within brackets.
Eg. (Bhole.1999): page numbers also be given wherever necessary, (Bhole, 1999, 12-17).

(H) Plagiarism

Authors may submit their original article after ensuring that it is free from Plagiarism. The authors should authenticate it by checking the paper using Plagiarism Software. However the Editorial Committee would also examine the same using Plagiarism Software. The authors are always held responsible for the authenticity and originality of the article free from plagiarism at even future date even after publication.

(I) Undertaking Letter (Click here to download the letter)

The manuscript should be sent along with a declaration, signed by the author (s) with official seal / from the official letter head that the paper is original and it has not been published earlier nor submitted for publication elsewhere. A copy of the Declaration Form can be downloaded and the photo copy of the same must be used by the author(s).

(J) Payment of Publication Fee

The authors of an article have to pay the publication and process fees as follows:

Category (Authors)

Publication and Process Fee
(Maximum 5 authors)

Fast Track Fee
( in addition to Publication Fee)
(Maximum 5 authors)

Up to 2 authors

3 – 5 authors

Up to 2 authors

3 – 5 authors


Rs. 2,500/-

Rs. 1,000/-for each author

Rs. 2,000/-

Rs. 750/-for each author


US $ 150/-

US $ 75/-for each author

US $ 100/-

US $ 75/-for each author


For every paper, the authors are requested to pay publication and process fee, after being informed of the acceptance of the paper for publication.


The process and publication fee should be paid by any one author (not separately by all).


One print copy of the Journal will be sent to corresponding Indian author, while PDF version of the article will be sent to all other authors. The co-author(s) desiring for print version of Journal, may have to pay one year subscription separately after getting confirmation from the Chief Editor.


The Non Indian author(s) have to pay the subscription and other fee equivalent in value to Indian Rupees.


The payment could be made either in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Scientific Management and Advanced Research Trust payable at Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India or pay in to the Savings Bank Account of the Scientific Management and Advanced Research Trust with State Bank of India, Bharathidasan University Branch, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, Tamil Nadu, India (A/c No: 10375402154, IFSC Code: SBIN0007014, Branch Code: 07014, SWIFT: SBININBB467).

(K) Editorial Policy

* All manuscripts submitted will be subjected to PEER BLIND REVIEW and the decision of the Editorial Committee
   will be final. At the end of blind review, the Editor will inform the author about the acceptance or rejection
   of the manuscript. On acceptance, the author is expected to incorporate the modifications suggested by the reviewers,
   if any, and again submit a disk and hard copy of the revised manuscript.
* First Page should consist of Title of the Paper, Names(s) of author(s), author(s) present position, other
   affiliations, complete mailing address (es), both postal and e-mail, mobile numbers and abstract not exceeding 150
   words. Second page should start with the title of the paper again, followed by the text.
* The experts/ authors may have to cite at least five references of their own earlier publication of articles
   in reputed journals relating to the main theme of articles submitted for SMART Journal.
* Soft as well as hard copy (Two typed copies on single A4 size with double line spacing along with an abstract
   of 100 words) and a brief biographical sketch of the author(s) with e-mail ID, should be sent.
* A self addressed stamped envelope with postage worth Rs.50/= must be sent.
* For every paper, maximum of five authors would be permitted.
* If the paper is accepted for publication, the authors will be informed by email about the acceptance.
* Authors desiring fast track publication of their articles after acceptance are requested to pay fast track fee
   in addition to publication and process fees. Manuscripts not considered for publication, will not be returned.

SMART Journal takes no responsibility for the authenticity and legality issues concerning the submissions made and accepted and the entire onus of which rests with the authors concerned.


For all correspondence relating to the Journal, write to
Prof. Murugesan Selvam
Founder –Publisher and Chief Editor
SMART Journal of Business Management Studies
150, Kalyanasundaram Nagar
Airport P.O, Tiruchirappalli-620 007
Tamil Nadu, India
Mobile: +91 9443025112